Though Russia is one of the top oil producers in the world, the country is seeking energy and resource alternatives. The country currently has only 1% renewable energy, and is thus promoting wind turbines to increase this number. Nevertheless, some of the major politicians like Putin state that "Windmills, which are so widespread in many European countries seem to be an environmentally friendly kind (of energy), but in fact they kill birds." I think Putin is just afraid of diverting the focus on Russia's oil empire to other sources...
Like the U.S., many countries today are working on increasing their environmental awareness and preservation efforts. This article also articulates the movement of countries towards resource substitutes. Countries don't want to be completely dependent on one resource, so they are experimenting and seeking out other alternatives.
Ultimately, the marginal benefit of these wind turbines exceeds the marginal cost... sorry birds :/
People forget that any type of energy source has its cons. Wind turbines may be friendly in terms of carbon emissions, however, they require a very large amount of land. In addition to killing birds, giants fields need to created in order to make room for these massive projects. Soon, people will complain about the wild life that suffers from land being occupied.