Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Your Country Needs You"

October 6th Current Event
Article posted 5:41pm, Oct. 6th

David Cameron spoke for the first time today as Prime Minister to the "Tory" Conference, the Conservative Party Conference. Cameron is proposing massive budget cuts for the state that the public seems extremely uneasy about. He believes there is not other way to handle the budget deficit and calls on those with more affluence to take a larger responsibility in the reduction of the deficit.

Personal Opinion: It's really strange for me to see that a Conservative representative would be comfortable getting in front of the conservative party leaders and asking them to spend more of their own money. In the U.S., this is completely against the policies of the conservative party - the Republicans - so it would cause much criticism. It's interesting to see the difference in "conservative" parties between the U.S. and British states.

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