Friday, October 29, 2010

Federal Spending

Republican gains could mean losses for NASA

President Obama signed into law a plan to have another NASA shuttle launch next year. However, as the federal deficit continues to rise the plan could be abondoned. The plan would cost about $19 billion dollars. NASA fears the possible Republican gains in next week's election because it could mean their budget would be cut. If the Republicans win a majority they plan to reduce the defecit by cutting spending on government spending on programs such as for NASA.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

House Party of 2010: Will Obama & Boehner Soiree Over Energy’s Future?

House Party of 2010: Will Obama & Boehner Soiree Over Energy’s Future?

The 2010 Midterm elections are in one week so President Obama has been trying to rally up support for the Democratic party. Parties have been discussing the subject of clean energy. Obama first expressed that he wants both parties to work together, but then later contradicted himself by saying he does not believe they can reconcile this issue. Most Republicans are not willing to to compromise and their main concern is winning this midterm election and in 2012 getting a Republican presidency. The election will determine a lot of new economic standings.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Iran Begins Loading Fuel at Nuclear Reactor

Iran on Tuesday, started the process of loading 163 fuel rods into the core of their first nucear power plant reactor. The Bushehr reactor, cast by Tehran as a showcase of its peaceful nuclear intentions, is separate from other operations in the country where Iran is seeking to enrich Uranium. The Iran news agency said, ”the Bushehr power plant is a major project which will help them to take one step toward future alternative energy supplies.” The Bushehr reactor was first opposed by the United States. However, the U.S dropped its objection, because the International Atomic Energy Agency was monitoring. The U.S is worried whether the facilities of the Bushehr reactor at places like Natanz and their secret facility at Qum will conduct their weapons program. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton stated, “Iran is entitled to the peaceful use of nuclear power but are not entitled to a nuclear weapons program.” The U.S is worrying about Iran’s nuclear plant reactor, because Iran has refused to answer questions about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed nuclear-related activities involving military-related organizations.

Money for the Queen

The British government continues to cut billions in public spending, however the royal family's finances are not threatened. The government will be investing 200 million Euros in wind-farms, which will be placed in the seabed in British territorial waters. Owned by Crown Estate, operators are required to pay Crown Estate a fee for running cables along the seabed and must also pay Crown Estate a percentage of their profit. In order to finance the royal family, parliament will require that the royal family receive a portion of Crown Estate's income. With the government's investment, Crown Estate is predicted to produce a greater income in the upcoming years, thus benefiting the royal family. With billions being cut in public spending, it is good to know that the royal family is OK.

China seeks to block U.N Report on Darfur

-China tried to block United Nations report saying that Chinese bullets were used in attacks on peacekeepers on the Darfur region of Sudan. The report, according to security council diplomats dozen brands of bullets were from china. There is no evidence that the bullets were sent directly to Sudan by China. The diplomat said, "Selling ammunition to Sudan for use in Darfur is a violation of the sanctions." They don't know whether China did sell ammunition to China, but their attempt to suppress the report is suspicious.

Baby Time

"Extending Maternity Leave to 20 Weeks with Full Pay"
10/27/10 Current Event

Maternity Rights-
The European Union is considering moving maternity leave from 14 weeks to 20 weeks (unless a country already has a strong maternity leave policy in order). In this way, companies are required to offer mothers 20 weeks to take care of their new born.

Paternity Rights-
Paternity leave was also discussed but the EU decided that no laws could be made because the EU CTN reads that only issues with "health and safety of pregnant women."

Employment Rights-
The EU is amending to "ban dismissal of pregnant women" from their jobs from beginning of pregnancy through 6 months of maternity leave.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

72 Million Vaccinations for Polio this Week!,0,7250454,print.story

This week the World Health Organization plans to vaccinate 72 million children in Nigeria and neighboring countries, even extending as far as Chad and the Sudan, from the polio disease. The WHO will go door-to-door. In recent months, the disease has spread back to 24 countries even though it had been completely eliminated from most countries except for Nigeria. Last week alone, Nigeria vaccinated 29 million kids and reduced the spread of polio by 98%!

I am so excited to hear about this because I feel like not enough is done to help the African countries. It is something that I feel very strongly about and gives me more inspiration for the ELIMINATE project with Key Club!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Health on the Rise!

National Medical Chamber

10/20/10 Current Event


Background: Russia provides all citizens with free healthcare (well, free through taxes anyways) and is one of the countries with the most medical resources and facilities for its citizens. The quality has declined since the Soviet Union though.

Article: The National Medical Chamber is a new public health forum in Russia. The Chamber is dedicated to improving the healthcare in Russia by encouraging physicians to maintain properly qualified employees, facilities, and practices. The Chamber is voluntarily working with the government and the medical industry on these crucial issues.

In relation to U.S.: This Russian Chamber reminds me of a drastic need in the U.S. - a need for a check on the medical market. Insurance is high in the U.S. because the physicians are not held accountable for their mistakes and procedures.

490000 jobs lost in the UK

With huge budget cuts taking place, the Biritsh government has decided to slash 490000 jobs within the next 4 years. Those 490000 jobs will be eliminated from the public payroll, in hopes of becoming more economically efficient. The government is seeking to raise revenue through increased taxes, specifically for the banking industry. Chancellor George Osborne said that "those with the broadest shoulders will bear the greatest burden," meaning that greater taxes will be imposed on those banks with more funds.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stop Smoking!

(Belated) October 8th Current Event

We've learned in class that the power of the EU has it's limits over national security and state politics, but here do we see it's authority over social issues. Belgium officials (EU execs.) are developing a bill proposal to ban smoking in public places across the continent for the sake of health. This would be a major milestone in the fight against smoking and its side effects.

The U.S. has similar bans on the state levels, but does not have the power to make it a national law. In they pull through, the EU would prove more powerful in its arena than the U.S. govt, which cannot interfere with its' federal states' reserved powers (under which smoking laws fall).

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Current Event 10/6/10

In order to ensure that the global economy continues to get better, US Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner feels like China should change their currency. Geithner says that in order for the global economy to get better, all countries must communicate with each other and cooperate in order to create an easier trade and exchange market. Countries should begin to focus on domestic trade rather than continuing to rely on their exports in order to make the national economies better which will in turn make the global economy better. Geithner says that if the largest economic countries' growth rates slow down, it will negatively affect the global economy and all of the other national economies. Because China is a major economic country, Geithner feels like the focus on changing China's currency should be a global focus and issue rather than just an issue that the United States feels is important.
"Barack Obama should learn from David Cameron's powerful tribute to British forces in Afganistan"
In David Cameron's party conference speech today, the British Prime Minister promises his people that the British security is his prime concern. The British will aspire to remain a leading military power in the world. He hopes to see that the British will repeal their plan to do a 10% budget cut on military spending. The article criticizes Barack Obama for not taking the same actions. The wars Afghanistan and Iraq are significant and it appears as though Obama does not know how to be a "wartime president," according to the author of the article.

"Your Country Needs You"

October 6th Current Event
Article posted 5:41pm, Oct. 6th

David Cameron spoke for the first time today as Prime Minister to the "Tory" Conference, the Conservative Party Conference. Cameron is proposing massive budget cuts for the state that the public seems extremely uneasy about. He believes there is not other way to handle the budget deficit and calls on those with more affluence to take a larger responsibility in the reduction of the deficit.

Personal Opinion: It's really strange for me to see that a Conservative representative would be comfortable getting in front of the conservative party leaders and asking them to spend more of their own money. In the U.S., this is completely against the policies of the conservative party - the Republicans - so it would cause much criticism. It's interesting to see the difference in "conservative" parties between the U.S. and British states.

NATO fuel tankers attacked

While carrying supplies to NATO troops in Afghanistan, fuel tankers were attacked by gunmen in Quetta, Pakistan. As a result of the increased drone attacks in North Waziristan, Pakistan, tensions have increased between the United States and Pakistan. In addition, a NATO helicopter attack resulted in the death of three Pakistani troops, which has worsened the countries' relations. As a result, the Islamabad closed the Torkham crossing, forcing NATO to find alternative paths for the shipment of supplies. However, the United States assures that the closing of the Torkham crossing will not affect fuel supplies for NATO troops.

The drone attacks in Pakistan, as discussed in my previous article, are thought to be linked to the increased threat levels in Europe. The video below provides insight to the drone attacks.

Global Fight against AIDS falters- Mark Lee

Global fight against AIDS is falling apart for lack of money. 13 billion dollars
is the amount just to keep putting patients on treatment at current rates. However, fund raising target of 13 billion dollars is failing. 40 countries pledged to fund money to help fight against AIDS,but lack to raise 13 billion dollars. The fund pays for AIDS drugs for almost three million patients now, but experts expect the number of patients will grow larger and larger. In order to reach the goal of 13 billion dollars, countries should double their contribution. United States is trying to increase 40 percent of its contribution, but the the U.S' law allows only one thirds of the total fund to be contributed.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Korea agrees to resumre reunions (current event article October 1, 2010)

Korea agree to resume reunions
-In a sign of a possible easing of tensions between North and South Korea, the two countries agreed on Friday to hold series of reunions of familites separated by the
Korean War at the Diamond Mountain resort in the North.
North Korea and South Korea had a sign of increasing tension between their relationship past 2 years. South Korea tourist was shot and killed by a North Korean
guard after she apparently strayed into a restricted zone. Following this accident,
the sinking of a South Korean warship, which the South has blamed on the North, added the tension and suggested the possibility of another Korean War. These series of accidents eventually led the the North Korea to end the tour of Diamond Mountain for the South Koreans and to confiscate five Diamond Mountain buildings owned by the South Korean government.
However, besides these series of events, the deal was successful. Experts say that the negotiation was successful, because the North Korea had a great damage after ending the tour of Diamond Mountain and the dramatic changes of the North Korean political hierarchy had an influence.